Step 1:
Right click on the Project clone àTortoiseGitàSetting
screen will look like below:
Step 2:
Select credential from Git: Gitàcredential screen will look like:
Step 3:
Select “wincred-current windows user” from available option
in Credential helper if you want to save User name as well as Password, if
you want to save only User name Skip Step 3 go to Step 4. Click apply
screen will look like:
Step 4:
NOTE: This step is only applicable if you want save only
User name NOT password for Git.
Select “Advance” from available option in Credential helper.
Enter URL of clone URL(project specific git checkout/clone
Select “wincred” from Helper drop down.
Enter your git user name in “Username” textbox.
Click on “Add New/Save” button. Screen will look like:
That’s all now you are ready to avoid entering User name/
password each time you Pull/Push.
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